Solvit Deluxe Bench Seat Cover Review
We received our "SmartFit Deluxe Bench Seat Cover" from Solvit Products over the last week. So far my hoomom and I LOVE IT! It is an amazing product for every dog owner. It shields your hooparents back seat from your hair sticking to everything! The SmartFit system provides a great fit for every car. It has many features to help keep it snug and tight. Even after I rolled and walked all over it. Thanks to the elastic panels, Sta-Put seat anchors, and the cinch straps on the corners it didn't move a budge.

It creates a make-shift bed with its padded and quilted design, I fell asleep immediately. It is also is protected with Stain-Blok! Even after our muddy adventure my hoomom's car came out clean as ever! To make it even better it is machine washable, so for every time your paws get it dirty they can be easily washed away! And on you are to another adventure :-) As you can tell I was enjoying my new seat cover! We cannot wait to use this seat cover on every adventure (especially because I tend to get a little dirty) Scroll down to see more pictures of my "Deluxe Bench Seat Cover"