Merry Christmas and Happy Howlidays!

First I want to say Happy Howlidays everyone! I hope you guys all had a great holiday weekend! This was my very first Christmas and I had a blast. I wanted to share a few memories and pictures my mommy took to share some of our howliday spirit!

We decorated the tree at the very beginning of this month and I was such a good boy and didn't try and chew on the tree OR the presents once! Mommy was very proud of me! I did knock over a couple ornaments while my brother and I were wrestling.. but it was an accident. I was hoping Santa paws wasn't watching those times.

Mommy and I also had a little "howliday shoot" as she likes to say which was pretty much me having this stupid hat on while she took pictures of me. I don't really get the point but mommy said we needed a picture to post on my Instagram to announce the winner of my very first contest (it ended the 17th but make sure to follow my instagram to catch my next contest!) Speaking of instagram I want to thank all my followers for the +6,000!! That's so amazing I never thought i'd EVER get this far! Best Christmas present EVER! :-)

Finally, Christmas has come and I think by the looks of my stocking (and my face) I was a good boy this year! Santa paws brought me a candy cane and reindeer toy! Along with some suuuuuper yummy bones for me and by brother, which I am enjoying as I update my blog.
This is a shorter update as my howliday festivities are still going on and I must return to my family. I hope everyone's howliday weekend was as good as mine and thank you for reading my blog! Don't forget to follow my instagram and follow all my adventures!